My insights on the issues that matter in strategic planning, sales and marketing
How To Increase Profit
Is profit the reward for risk-taking? I was struck, recently, by the definition of ‘profit’ on the BBC education site: “Profit is the reward for risk-taking” it claims. Thankfully, it prefaces…
Pricing Strategy: Sound Methodology or Seat of the Pants?
How do you work out your pricing – sound methodology or seat of the pants? Is it based on a simple cost plus arbitrary mark-up or do you follow a…
Dynamic markets demand dynamic new products
Dynamic markets demand dynamic new products A constant flow of new products and services is vital, particularly in dynamic markets such as manufacturing and engineering. The ever-changing wants and needs of…
Manufacturing: the UK market needs you now
Manufacturing: the UK market needs you now If you’re a manufacturer or engineering firm, I bet you’ve got stories about UK-based customers and prospects who found it cheaper to import…
International markets: where’s the business for UK manufacturing and engineering firms?
International markets: where’s the business for UK manufacturing and engineering firms? How do you take advantage of it? 2 very good questions which I address in this blog as the…
UK industry booms back to life?
At the beginning of the year, a search for ‘uk manufacturing 2017’ would get you reasonably positive results. Headlines like “UK industry booms back to life”, would appear. Now, remarkable…
Managing people – means building the right environment to let them flourish
Are you managing a team that is smarter than you? Your team should be smarter than you – if you’ve got the right team, of course. They should be more…
Interim managers – the value and the benefit
‘Interim’ – it’s not really a positive word is it? It doesn’t inspire confidence, reminding one as it does of transience. Even recruitment firms sell their services based on the…
Lack of growth in productivity raises concerns
The Office for National Statistics has released data which shows that UK labour productivity fell 0.2% in the last three months of 2014, despite apparent economic recovery. The productivity of…